Hi everybody
Just wanted to say hello and invite you to vote my car in the competition for the most attractive car
Here are the cars involved:
All the cars
To vote you have to be fun of the group testvoznja.net
here's the link
Than please vote the alfa by clicking "like" under the pic
My alfa
The car with most numbers of Likes will be the winner.
The competition is open till 30 April 2010
Thank you
Forum >> Chat
Alfistica14-04-2010 10:10:16 // 118
AlfaBoy20-06-2008 15:20:29 // 117
Tündér = Fairy
Tündér = Fairy
Föckös20-06-2008 13:49:04 // 116
ithink we will meet there
AlfaBoy20-06-2008 09:13:05 // 115
So Mr. Leatherman :-D
If I manage to go to the event you have planed for the evening, than could you please specify when and where we meet??? :-D
If I manage to go to the event you have planed for the evening, than could you please specify when and where we meet??? :-D
Föckös19-06-2008 12:50:44 // 112
buon apetito
buon apetito
AlfaBoy19-06-2008 12:33:45 // 111
OK-OK, I was just kidding...
I'll visit you sooner or later anyway and than we'll talk about this :-)
And now if you would excuse me: I'm going to have lunch... :-D
"I'll be back!" :-DDDD
I'll visit you sooner or later anyway and than we'll talk about this :-)
And now if you would excuse me: I'm going to have lunch... :-D
"I'll be back!" :-DDDD
Föckös19-06-2008 12:32:22 // 110
i mustnt tell the price, because in this way this hsz would be an adv. and i dont want to pay for advertisements here.
but i can speak about it not here
but i can speak about it not here
AlfaBoy19-06-2008 12:25:02 // 109
Ooo; that's too early for me :-(
I would be interested in leather for the little 147, but you did not tell me the price, so what can I do???
I would be interested in leather for the little 147, but you did not tell me the price, so what can I do???
Föckös19-06-2008 12:23:43 // 108
i dont know about 16:30 or later
but if you want to come here, and buy automotive leather...:-)))
but if you want to come here, and buy automotive leather...:-)))
AlfaBoy19-06-2008 12:18:09 // 107
When are you leaving the "office" today, dude? ;-)
Föckös19-06-2008 12:17:38 // 106
your workplace is a terapists site pfff
AlfaBoy19-06-2008 12:15:01 // 105
OK, if we look at it like this, than I'm celebrating every day... :-P
That's why I always have time to be on the Amore site :-PPP
That's why I always have time to be on the Amore site :-PPP
Föckös19-06-2008 12:13:53 // 104
6th of oct? lets celebrate!
AlfaBoy19-06-2008 12:13:42 // 103
Dude, you're going NUTS dude!!! :-DDD
Föckös19-06-2008 12:12:18 // 102
fk u whtr smbdy likes me...
AlfaBoy19-06-2008 12:11:33 // 101
Október 6. u 7 :-DDDDDD
Föckös19-06-2008 12:10:55 // 100
where r u?
AlfaBoy19-06-2008 12:10:44 // 99
I didn't say that anyone would hate you!!!
Just that they don't like you... That's something else :-PPP
Locomotion :-DDD
Just that they don't like you... That's something else :-PPP
Locomotion :-DDD
Föckös19-06-2008 12:09:11 // 98
everybody! everybody! doesnt matter dude, but no one hates Föcki:-)
AlfaBoy19-06-2008 12:05:27 // 97
As usual...
No one likes you...
No one likes you...
AlfaBoy19-06-2008 12:03:55 // 96
I see :-D
Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you my Master!!!
I see :-D
Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you my Master!!!
Dekka19-06-2008 12:01:46 // 95
Föckös19-06-2008 11:58:03 // 94
so this is the CHAT topic dude!
Föckös16-06-2008 15:57:44 // 93
okay i will speak to me, it doesnt matter i think it will be really exciting.
i am alone, the voices are saying this too...
i am alone, the voices are saying this too...
Föckös16-06-2008 10:59:09 // 92
nobody is here...
Föckös05-06-2008 07:30:48 // 91
goood topic... if we are in hurry, we can reach the 100th comment by 2010...
Föckös11-02-2008 22:08:46 // 90
Come to Alfacity!!!!
U all must to...
U all must to...
C.A.R.S.=Ton10-02-2008 11:42:10 // 89

Hello everybody:
Great news....well, for us it is!
We have in Holland a Alfa Romeo 166 Club now for about a year or 3,5-4.
And we did run this site in Dutch all that time, just because we now that everybody now's Dutch. Now, because it seems the last isn't so, we have translated the site, the mainpages that is, to English. Were not ready yey, there are some really interesting pages to be translated yet but were managing it.
So if you want to visit, you can now make a choice, Dutch or English. Just click on the flag of you're choice in the upper left corner of the main page and the English site will open up for you!
Even to make it greater, we have openend up an English Guestbook also and even making it greater than it now already is, there is an English Forum openend on our Message Board also. It gives you membership after replying and than you have free acces to this Forum from that moment on.
Just hoping to meet you there also .......
Ciao, Ton.
To the English Alfa Romeo 166 Club Forum in the Netherlands
To the Alfa Romeo 166 Club the Netherlands in English!
Alfist-GTV604-01-2008 17:24:46 // 88
Thanks mate
Charlie 16604-01-2008 16:26:18 // 87
So than We'll kep you posted.
Alfist-GTV604-01-2008 16:21:24 // 86
I'm already informed by some alfisti here, but thnx for the reminder. ;)
I can't guarantee anything this year, but who knows i may drop by in the near future. :)
I can't guarantee anything this year, but who knows i may drop by in the near future. :)
Charlie 16604-01-2008 16:03:10 // 85
By the way, just be informed, that late March / early April somewhere around that date theer will be the biggest local alfa meeting called Alfa City.
So far I do not see deep details regarding that here at the english site, but just in case you'll be in the mood to join, I think we will appreciate that :)
So far I do not see deep details regarding that here at the english site, but just in case you'll be in the mood to join, I think we will appreciate that :)
Charlie 16604-01-2008 15:59:41 // 84
My menaing was " big tits" :): in fact great airbags :):):)
But there is also a quite usefull speech, " kaale kutje ":):):)
Don't even try to translate to english here please otherwise the banner-boy comes, and freeze me out for a while :):):)
But there is also a quite usefull speech, " kaale kutje ":):):)
Don't even try to translate to english here please otherwise the banner-boy comes, and freeze me out for a while :):):)
Alfist-GTV604-01-2008 12:46:29 // 83
Heheh.......it's not perfect, but i understand it at least. ;)
Niks is lekkerder dan bier en tieten. ;)
But titten is also a correct way of writing it.
I mostly call them airbags or koplampen hahaha
Niks is lekkerder dan bier en tieten. ;)
But titten is also a correct way of writing it.
I mostly call them airbags or koplampen hahaha
Charlie 16604-01-2008 12:01:54 // 82
And a hint for 2008:
Nix is lekkerdeer than en dieke titten :):):)
(maybe I typed wrong :):)
And a hint for 2008:
Nix is lekkerdeer than en dieke titten :):):)
(maybe I typed wrong :):)
Alfist-GTV601-01-2008 21:11:36 // 81
Happy New Year.
Sheesh....saying that makes me thirsty :lol:
Sheesh....saying that makes me thirsty :lol:
Grando31-12-2007 17:34:09 // 80
Alfist-GTV630-12-2007 12:54:22 // 79
No problem, i'll keep an eye on it. ;)
Tedi29-12-2007 22:45:17 // 78
But a bit of advice, better take a look at the postal-code within the personal info script.
Thanks for attracting the attention to this bug. We'll work on it! If you find any other bugs, please let us know, and post it to the "Bug report" topic.
"Anyway" :)...thanks for the best wishes :)
Thanks for attracting the attention to this bug. We'll work on it! If you find any other bugs, please let us know, and post it to the "Bug report" topic.
"Anyway" :)...thanks for the best wishes :)
Alfist-GTV629-12-2007 22:24:33 // 77
You're welcome.
Only tme will tell i suppose, but i hope you'll be succesfull with the english version.
The basic look and feel is quite good imho, so that shouldn'tbe an obstacle.
But a bit of advice, better take a look at the postal-code within the personal info script.
Since it would be nice to have some international codes there, since this moment that's not possible yet.
The dutch postalcodes are like this: 0000xx
but if i type mine in,i get an illegal-message.
Anyway, best of luck with the site my hungarian friend ;)
Only tme will tell i suppose, but i hope you'll be succesfull with the english version.
The basic look and feel is quite good imho, so that shouldn'tbe an obstacle.
But a bit of advice, better take a look at the postal-code within the personal info script.
Since it would be nice to have some international codes there, since this moment that's not possible yet.
The dutch postalcodes are like this: 0000xx
but if i type mine in,i get an illegal-message.
Anyway, best of luck with the site my hungarian friend ;)
Tedi29-12-2007 22:03:24 // 76
Welcome at this topic too :)
As an OP I can say, that...thanks first of all :)
The english verson can be called young, we started it only a few months, but you have right about the discovering and acquiring. Inspite of these, we hope, that the services and all the "goods" will be enough to unburden this "used to" period.
As an OP I can say, that...thanks first of all :)
The english verson can be called young, we started it only a few months, but you have right about the discovering and acquiring. Inspite of these, we hope, that the services and all the "goods" will be enough to unburden this "used to" period.
Alfist-GTV629-12-2007 21:37:16 // 75
Well.....most foreign alfisti like myself are mostly active on their national forums.
But they are also active on other forums like alfaowner and alfabb.
But this site is still to be discovered by the international community.
If i have to be honset, the forum is also a part of getting used to.
Most sites are running phpbb or vbulletin as a forum.
Anyway....since i'm here already, i'll post here whenever i can.
But they are also active on other forums like alfaowner and alfabb.
But this site is still to be discovered by the international community.
If i have to be honset, the forum is also a part of getting used to.
Most sites are running phpbb or vbulletin as a forum.
Anyway....since i'm here already, i'll post here whenever i can.
Attie24-12-2007 14:43:58 // 74
317-12-2007 10:14:28 // 73
I see it many people do not use this function yet! :(
I believe it the situation changes just.
May be hoping then who somebody else from a country they strike down onto this function for a morning :)
I believe it the situation changes just.
May be hoping then who somebody else from a country they strike down onto this function for a morning :)
317-12-2007 10:10:06 // 72
I believed it I say hello in English!
I believed it I say hello in English!
Tommi10-10-2007 13:19:20 // 71
"that one is cool"
YESSS, it is :)))
YESSS, it is :)))
Charlie 16608-10-2007 11:23:03 // 70
Hmmm, well, this might be true, however I am speakin' up my opinion, when I see it live, with my own eyes. This pix does not give the full " image " back.
Originally the 147 I also preferred in black, than I met with the new shape version , (red body with black top) and I said,that one is cool.
Originally the 147 I also preferred in black, than I met with the new shape version , (red body with black top) and I said,that one is cool.
Rumi08-10-2007 10:31:07 // 69
well, sometimes it's not enough to read, I have to understand things too :p
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